Activation year 2020

Completed in 2023

PROGRAMME: Entrepreneurs for plastics' circular economy
PROJECT NUMBER: 2020-1-FR01-KA202-080583

Encourage the creation of new startups and/or the reorganization of companies already operating with a business model based on the circular economy, particularly in the plastics industry

FVB s.r.l.(IT), Cooperation Bancaire pour l’Europe (FR), ARGE Gmbh (AT), Cz&K Consulting (HU), Fondazione Edulife Onlus (IT), PPC (FR)
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
Young entrepreneurs (age between 18 and 35), Entrepreneurial Trainers, Startup Coaches and Investors (as secondary target)

The EU is currently strongly promoting a transition toward a more “circular” flow in the economic system. That transition needs to be systemic and it must affect each part of the production/recycling chain. Ensure embraces this approach by tackling the issue of polluting waste production with a specific focus on the field of plastics industry. Indeed, the EU underlines the beneficial impact of improving the reprocessing of plastics in its strategy on plastics waste and in its general strategy for the promotion of Circular Economy.  

The project aims at bridging the gap of skills related to the creation of new businesses or the reconversion of old ones, in the field of circular economy with focus on the plastics production sector. We will identify the most interesting strands in this economic field, elaborating different entrepreneurial paths that will be available to business coaches, trainers and future entrepreneurs.

  • “Train the trainers”: production of a collection of best practices and educational materials to teach business coaches how to lead potential startups into the Circular Economy field.
  • Improving the awareness of present entrepreneurs and investors on the possibilities offered by CE
  • Supporting the creation of locally based CE startups, with focus on plastic reuse and valorization, possibly aligning to local S3 (Smart Specialization Strategies)


  • Transnational online meetings
  • Activation of Intellectual Output 1: Educational materials for entrepreneurs, startuppers and trainers on circular economy and plastic reuse.


  • 4 physical meetings at partners’ locations (Ancona, Graz, Budapest and Verona)
  • Conclusion of Intellectual Output 1 with testing event in Budapest
  • Start of design and implementation of the e-learning platform (Intellectual Output 2) coordinated by Edulife Foundation
  • 2 in-person operational meetings (Ancona, Graz)
  • 2 contamination events (Budapest and Verona).

January 2023:

  • 7 Multiplier Events for dissemination of the platform.
  • Edulife Foundation organized its event in Verona with 53 participants including students, entrepreneurs and professionals.

ENSURE is a European Union (EU) project that aims to promote a circular economy. In practice, this means reducing waste and maximizing the reuse of materials. The often-polluting plastics industry can become part of the solution. ENSURE focuses on developing skills and methods for entrepreneurs and trainers in the plastics industry. The goal is to make entrepreneurship more sustainable, contributing to the transition to a circular economy.

The Circular Economy (CE) must be integrated into the mindset of future generations of entrepreneurs, shaping the business environment in a way that fosters the creation of new businesses focused on reusing and recycling materials.
Europe appears to be on track to meet the 20/20/20 targets on carbon emissions reduction, energy efficiency and renewable energy production.


Training Pathways on circular economy and plastic reuse

Creation of training materials

construction of the e-learning platform for the use of trainings


Total meetings organized


E-learning platform implemented


participants in the Edulife Foundation Multiplier